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PriNcE BgJ

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » PriNcE BgJ


This is a remake of the previous LEC level, BGJ (BattleGround Jedi), with an icy, night-time feeling and an extra cave.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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222.2 KiB


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Darth Dude
Posted: 2001-01-21 6:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent work REMAKING a TOO-MANY-REMAKES-level.
Posted: 2001-01-21 6:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
BGJ is one of my favorite MP levels for JK, but it gets old just like anything else. Even though it's a remake I like the cold/night theme. It breathes some life into the level.
FBJK Pretender
Posted: 2001-01-21 7:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this one a nine. I was hoping the author would have made the water flowing outside with the water sound effects to go with it instead of just being still water. For those that recall the single player BGJ it had flowing water =)

It's the only reason why I didnt give this level a perfect 10. Everything else though is well done.

Also the "I shot the Sheriff" music seems corny somehow in the caves lol, but fun to listen too nonetheless when you're saber battling in the caves.

I did like the MOTS like colored lighting effect, and even found a glitch with it too that allowed me to see part of the outside as daytime or inside of the ship as nighttime depending on where you stood and looked at the edges of the ship exit (the exit wall so to speak).

Otherwise if you want a good BGJ remake to play on this is one of them.

Director General/Leader of FBJK
Posted: 2001-01-21 11:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
thx for ur comments hehe, next remake ill have some more new koo stuff, happy that everyone likes it. next time ill do the flowing water but i cant make it go in diagonal(neither could LEC so they stopped the water lol)i only can make it go in a straight line.

Posted: 2001-01-22 1:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
Instead of a remake, how about doing something from scratch? Original?

Posted: 2001-01-23 3:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
I agree with Demon_Nightmare, remakes are getting old, the last one i made was a year ago. The thing is that remakes are usally made by NEWBIES, and they usally SUCK!!!

Jedi Master Jay
Posted: 2001-01-26 4:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
The Great Methodman once said: Been here been done that before and dont need it no more. This quote applies to any1 who thinks they can remake a level and be famous is nuts. BE CREATIVE! Nice job though i gave it a six becuase i like the icy outdoor feeling. Gets me in that winter time spirit!
Posted: 2001-01-28 9:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
Good effort, is it your first level?

LEC didn't make the water clear OR moving because that would increase lag. Ever noticed how UNlaggy BGJ is?

And Acid, yes you can get it to scroll diagonally, just use a different vector in a conveyor cog. Easy.

And, if I am not mistaken, isnt using that "I shot the sheriff" music against the EULA?
Also it's very badly placed
Posted: 2001-01-30 2:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
look newbie level editors have to start somewhere you can exspect them to be elite on their 1st level, so maybe u should keep your comments to yourself NJO_MAXX..

Posted: 2001-02-01 7:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
actually im making my first level ever....everyone i talk to makes fun of me and thinks its gonna be crappy....some people are actually good on their first try..all i say mine looks alot better than some long term editors levels...
Posted: 2001-02-01 9:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
its just most of these people that say they are newbies for remaking Oasis or BGJ, i'll bet they can't even make levels, so they should keep their comments to themselves b/c it could hurt the person feelings..

Posted: 2001-02-12 1:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
There is nothing wrong with making mods of existing levels to learn the basics of JK editing, but is it necessary to waste the bandwidth uploading this stuff? ;)
Posted: 2001-02-20 10:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
Have any of you ever tried to do a remake and pull it off looking like this?

I doubt it.

Good job that man.

Rating: 10

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