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Cargo Shack

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Cargo Shack


This is a medium sized multipalyer level perfect for any style of fighting. It has some outside areas but it is mostly indoors. It has water and lots of props (chairs, tables and crates). It is anything but barren. It would be perfect for sabers and king of the hill with a twist.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
143.0 KiB


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Posted by
FBJK Pretender
Posted: 2001-01-21 7:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
Gave this one a two because of the following problems I encountered just playing this level

- BOXY! This level is nothing but boxes connected to boxes through entrance ways. Boxy levels do not make the level. Base a level off ANY other shape in nature like circles, ovals, triangles or something, anything but boxy

- In the rooms that DID have a plain blue ceiling (IE no ceiling texture) the ceiling was not flagged properly so you were able to jump right up through the blue ceiling instead of whats supposed to happen, banging your head on a low ceiling with force jump =)

- Colormap problems with 3 3DO's I seen in one room from far away it had this problem, but when you got closer it disappeared

- Magic Carpet: One spot you placed some carpeting on the floor and some couches on top. From far away and close up this carpeting had MAJOR problems with parts of it showing or disappearing.

- Overall theme: Im not really sure what this theme could have been other then placing lots of tables, crates, couches, one dead tusken atop a crate and some jedi stone artifacts in one room.

In short fix these problems and try not to make the level so boxy =)

Director General/Leader of FBJK
Posted: 2001-01-22 8:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
Geez i dont think you could of put him down any harder . Anywhoo, this level looks like one of my first level so..Im guessing you put hard work into it. I give it a 8
Posted: 2001-01-22 10:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
in the comment that was made about my level i know about the sky and other stuff but i can't see the magic carpet thing mine is whole from a distance and up close i would have fixed it if i could see it
Posted: 2001-01-23 4:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
can you say boxy?

ok i guess your new, so i gave you a 5 even.

A little tip, when you make your first level: get help... read tutorails... get a freind to test it... just because it looks fine on your computer, does not mean it will on others.

One last thing: screen shots look like shat!!
Posted: 2001-01-23 6:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-02-09 8:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
well, i have to say. Even though i am listed in the "help" section in the readme file for this level, i can say i think it is a good one for a first. I helped him make it, but not any serious help, just a few pointers for some questions. I feel that for a first it is pretty good. that is my honest opinion
Posted: 2001-08-01 9:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
My god another box

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