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The Continuing Adventures of Mara Jade

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » The Continuing Adventures of Mara Jade


Almost 2 years in the making, The Continuing Adventures of Mara Jade consists of 3 full-length levels: Swamp Base, Race to the Temple, and Sith Ruins. Packed with features, this episode includes: BM's, over 50 new 3dos, inventory items, and new enemies. Fully 16-bit enhanced, but still playable in software mode. Make sure to read the readme if you don't have a 3d card. Have fun!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
4.4 MiB


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Posted: 2000-12-27 3:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I feel bad giving it a 6 when he spent almost 2 years working on the level series, but they just didn't click with me.

They did have some complex puzzles and they were long which was nice.

My only complaint though was the amount of enemies.

It just felt crammed, and it really took down the fun factor in my opinion.

Sure it made it difficult, but the ends didn't justify the means.

Posted: 2000-12-27 3:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
Of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinion...

I do think 6 is a little severe, though. Especially considering the extent of architecture and cogging that you'll find in this episode(especially in the 3rd level).
Posted: 2000-12-27 7:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Architecture was good in level 3, but the enourmous amount of enemies ruined gameplay in my opinion. That's why I gave that part a 1, the architecture, design, etc, a 5.

I split everything half in 2, gameplay and design.

Posted: 2000-12-27 9:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
how do you finish the last part of level3? where the black thing keeps shooting the lighting bolts out?
Posted: 2000-12-28 2:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
hey i have some problem with this one.. when i install the level it gives a GOB file instead of a GOO.. someone can explain this?
Posted: 2000-12-28 7:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
HELP! I am stuck!! On the first level! I can't deactivate the force field to the hangar bay! Help!
Posted: 2000-12-28 10:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a truly awesome series. It's architecture is wonderful, the puzzles are a good challenge, and the texturing and lighting create a very plausible atmosphere. My only complaints are about the incredible amount of enemies vs. the lack of powerups and the somewhat poorly developed storyling. These elements may detract from CAMJ slightly, but they also make it probably the most challenging download level I have ever played (and a good-looking one at that). One suggestion for the author is to create a new theme; I would assume most MotS players would be kind of tired of the "Sith temple in a swamp" idea. To anyone reading this: if you are up for the challenge and you have a good 3+ hours of spare time, DOWNLOAD THIS NOW!!!
Posted: 2000-12-28 1:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah.. I gave this level series a 9 - very good effort by Rhettman, at least what I've seen so far.. I'm with the guy above - can't figure out how to deactivate the main force field. I've gotten the two force fields to either side down, but have searched for 20 minutes and can't find anything.

Posted: 2000-12-28 8:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
This thread might help you out:

A walkthrough is in the works...

To deactivate the force fields, you need the blue key to gain access to the control room. The door to the control room is outside near the gantry area.

Basically put, you don't deactive it from anywhere near the cargo bay.

Posted: 2000-12-28 10:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ping_Me's Review:

First thing I want to say is that this pack isn't something you can slap into the Episodes folder and play. The author uses an .exe installer. I HATE EXE's. (just for the record. :) ) I realize that some people don't know how to put the files into the Episodes folder and the installer works better for them. I understand the reasons, but I don't have to like it. The .goo files are set up so that it's almost impossible to finish the levels without running the main goo file ( through a path at the command line (hence the .exe). So in rebellion against the author's intentions, as soon as all files were installed, I deleted everything but and, moved them to a completely different folder on my computer and ran MotS with a path from command line. (*Gives author a great big raspberry*). Anyone who wishes to follow in my footsteps can simply get the Patch Commander, slap those two files in, activate them and play.

Level 1:
Acrhitecture: There is a very free feeling in level one and all of the levels in this pack. When I first saw that the missions took place in the swamps, I returned to the constant mortal fear I always feel in the Dromund Kaas swamp in MotS. These are not like that. There is more use of the green foliage texture which give the swamp a more wholesome feel than Dromund Kaas. The imperial base was well constructed too but I found a few box rooms here and there. The base is layed out in a very non-linear style, giving you the atmosphere of a real base. For example, locked doors present mystery as to what's behind them, after certain events unfold they unlock and you gain easier access to areas you have visited before. With this type of layout I found myself blundering around, not really able to tell where my next objective would be. Your final objective is to get inside a control tower, which isn't really a tower at all. It's simply a room on top of a building. I've found a few bugs in the architecture, in two areas, both involving slashgrates, there are 'paper walls' which might have missed the author's testing. Two places in the swamp in which you 'fall into the water', when you surface from the hole you are still below the water line, (animated transparent swamp texture) yet you're on the 'surface' of the underwater sector. Some textures on the walls were textures not meant for walls that size. For example a texture that would fit on a .05 JKU high surface was used on walls .7 JKU's high. The result, I thought, looked rather boring. I also got bored quickly of the dominant blue-grey of most of the textures in the imp base, such that I found it refreshing to get back out in the swamp every once in a while. I was also dissapointed in the Shrike at the beginning. You could walk right through the 3do, unlike it's MotS counterparts. Simply basing it's template on _zwalkstructure would remedy that.

Puzzles: Mostly 'flip-the-switch' 'find-the-key' stuff, but the layout makes it challenging.

Lighting: I wouldn't say there was very dramatic, absolutly phenominal lighting, but it got the job done. All lighting was logical, bright where there's sky, pitch black where there's no source of light. Colored lighting was used sparingly (good) used only where there were computer terminals/displays and other light mats. One thing I notice about pitch black areas in general is that whe you use your lightsaber or field light, it only lights your surroundings if you are near a corner or something of that nature. This is because of the engines lighting system which uses verticies to calculate light. A very nice touch that I have found is cutting surfaces into .4 JKU squares (at least). This allows the dynamic lights which the player carries to light his way, it also looks pretty cool. However this shouls be refrained from in more open areas because it would kick your framerate into the stratusphere. This si a concept I'd like to circulate into the community becuase today's computers and 3dcards can handle it.

Item Placement: I was sweating for sheilds. That Rifle Scope came in very handy when you finally get into the open hangar. Well done.

Enemy Placement: A little heavy on the enemies, but there's plenty of room to move in (see architecture). I relied mostly on my saber and Force Pull. After a roomfull of baddies there's usually a revive or shield set nearby to replenish you.

Final Thoughts: Cutscenes were decent, the author mostly found ways to recycle the voices from the game. Secret areas were resonably well hidden. Near the start I found that in one area there is a squad of Scout Troopers and a Wampa a distance away. I lured the Wampa over to the Scouts out of curiosity, and got the most obvious answer. The Wampa leaves the Scouts alone and chases you. I thought perhaps it would be an nice addition to the atmosphere if the Wampa attacked both you and the Scouts. I don't think Wampas are politically affilliated :). I also thought that Mara's model should have been a little closer to her MotS version.... Okay, what really threw me off was the red hair... The change of clothes is nice and I know this model is what Mara really looks like, but plotwise between MotS and this episode it looks like Mara had some sort of complete makeover or something. hehe, Jedi Makeovers! Finally, in such a non-linear level it might be good to point out places where your next objective is, so the player isn't left wandering.

Level 2:
Architecture: See level 1. But prehaps I percieved an inkling of improvement, like perhaps the author learning more as he went. Again it was the non-linear layout.

Puzzles: First off, the bounty hunter.... Force Pull his weapon and he is a kitty cat. Nuff said. I really liked getting across the reactor... It looked SO easy, NOT. I'm still not sure how you're supposed to get out of it and back to where you're supposed to be, but I found it pretty simple to preform a few well timed Force Jumps to get out and on the other side. From there on things are pretty straight foreward. The gorge is a typical sith temple puzzle.

Lighting: See Level 1.

Item Placement: See Level 1.

Enemy Placement: Not quite as bad as Level 1. Ceiling turrets offered a nice change of pace from the Imps.

Final Thoughts: Man, I hate Dianogas...

Level 3:
Architecture: Shines in this level. Everything was extremely well done. Not a box in sight. Still very open, lots of room to move.

Puzzles: Still 'grab-the-key' 'unlock-the-door' stuff. The last puzzle (destroy the Obelisk) is somewhat buggy. It didn't work for me the first time, so I went back and started a new game went the whole way though the two episodes and it worked the second time.

Lighting: See Level 1. I'm not sure if red lights were used or if it was simply the CMP... The temple is mostly dark (as it should be) but not really as meanacing as the MotS temple.

Item Placement: All those poor explorers who lost thier backpacks... You find those revives in the strangest places...

Enemy Placement: "This is a motly looking bunch" is one of the lines from this level. No kiddin. Just about everything that is not an Imp is here. You have the standard issue lightsaber wielding statues. Those undead really make me wish I had Absorb. The two Rancors were a little far-fetched. The fact that you could use your guns in the temple really helped out.

I'd like to go absolutly gonzo for a second and say that the author included the hidden WingedBeast enemy. I loved this feature!! I've always wanted to find an excuse for using it and I'm glad he did. They were hard to kill too. My only gripe was that my second time through the level pack, the room where they appear in, the cog generated three times as many as it was supposed to. Some sort of bug I guess. So instead of fighting four, I fought twelve. New enemies also included the sith probe from TPM, the sith reaper, and an apprentice Dark Jedi (Pic rehash) named Smeagol. (author needs to lay off the Tolkien, I like LotR too but that's no reason to name things after the characters. :) )
And of course you have the big bad baddie, and (well, sort of) the Obelisk.

Final Thoughts: Everything is quite well done, what are you waiting for download it! I don't really see too much value in the 16 bit textures, it's only a slight (if any) improvement over the 8 bit.

Please forgive any spelling errors, it's late at night nad im knot vry alrt write know. :)
Posted: 2000-12-29 3:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oops, I gave it a 1 by accident.
Posted: 2000-12-29 9:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think Ping_Me hit the nail on the head. This series was of almost proffesional LEC quality. I haven't played many add-ons that did the game justice like this did. Good SP levels are hard to come by, so I was happy to play this sucker. It's staying on my hard drive!
Posted: 2000-12-31 11:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is great stuff, truly awesome, I gave it a 10.

The third level in the Sith Ruins is out of this world, eerie and challenging like no other MotS levels I've seen to date.

The first two levels are pretty good too, with lots of enemies and some very puzzling ways to get things done.

The storyline and the cut-scenes add to the playing experience, the textures and architectures are almost always perfect and the lighting (especially in level 3) is very well done.

This is the best MotS single player I've had the pleasure to play. you did a very good job, Rhettman, you can be proud of yourself.

Posted: 2001-01-01 2:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is truly awesome. On the playability side I put it on par with any LEC creation. The cutscenes were appropriate and concise adding to the game play. It was difficult but whats a good level without a challenge. Thankyou Rettman, more please...
Plasma Man
Posted: 2001-01-02 11:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level pack is just so great as in aestetics and gameplay. It goes up there with the LEC levels. I did think there were way too many enemies too but that didn't matter much to me because I usually use cheats when I play SP levels (only invul and weapons).

My only complaint and this a fairly big one. In a lot of places there are dark areas, IR goggles and field light didn't help much. In the 1st level, you didn't have force see so that made it so that you would have to guess at where you're going. In the 3rd level, where by then you have force see, it did squat in making it brighter. I didn't finish the levels though only because I could only see 1-2 meters in front of me at most. I gave it 7.
Posted: 2001-01-02 1:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
ping_me, that was the longest comment ive ever seen! Anyways i give it a 7, the levels were pretty good.
Posted: 2001-01-04 6:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ping me, you should work in the review section!

As for the level, as much criticism as it seems to be getting, it really is great. I need all the SP levels I can get!
Val Langley
Posted: 2001-01-04 6:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
I say this is the single best level pack for Mysterious of the Sith I have ever played. It was a year's effort and it shows. I would say perhaps take out some enemies for the EASY version, but the HARD is defenatly for the veterans.

Speaking of which, it was a blast to get my Jedi Kung Foo on, as the enemies were a plenty, and well placed. [Force Speed And Saber Thank You] I did wish more things could have been interactive, like the parked ships I would have liked to blow up, and a fight with a flying Tie Fighter right after you'de exited the cont room [with a good one-liner] would kick. I don't wanna see a Tie FIghter fly right over my head when I walk outside. Ruin my day. But we can't ask for miracles.

My second wish is it were easier to find some female voice talent willing to do lousy MotS levels.

Most likely you have this level downloaded already. Smart thinking.
Posted: 2001-01-06 3:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
Rhettman, could you post a skin mod of the Sith Mummy Jedi? I always wanted to be one of those things in multiplayer! Thanx.
Posted: 2001-01-24 4:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice level. Although I agree with Demon_Nightmare about the surplus number of enemies, I enjoyed the difficulty of gameplay. And I really liked the architecture and the "Race to the Temple" So I give it a 9.
Posted: 2001-01-27 9:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
what do i do with the skeleton key in the sith ruins? how do i get into the inner temple?
Posted: 2001-01-27 8:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
There's a complete walkthrough at my site. It'll help you solve all puzzles, and tell you the location of all secret areas.
Posted: 2001-02-02 10:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
Architecture: Pretty good (especially outside). Too many wide-open areas inside, however.

Texturing: Average. There were too many large walls all covered with one texture.

Enemies: Average. The wampas could have been better if they had been hidden around corners or something, as it is, you always see them way before they see you. Same thing with those birds (i forget what they're called) in the swamp.

Gameplay: Good. All the elements are combined for a fun level.

Bottom Line: An above-average level. Download it, but don't expect anything like Derra IV.
Posted: 2001-11-18 11:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
I dreamed about a level that looked like this!

This rules. I like the temple level at the end, and how the entrance looks like a colluseum.


I'd give it a longer comment if I had more time. :)
Posted: 2001-12-17 5:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
I like the level. a little dark and lot's of enemies makes it tough. One thing, I can't figure out the puzzle in the temple. I have killed the little padawan, the electric demons, and the ancient protector. However, I can't figure out how to get past either of the three doors. Please Help!!!

Posted: 2003-09-27 3:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
I have to say that I really liked the level. I didn't expect all those enemies there. I think that it wouldn't be that hard to beat if you didn't have the full power of Force Sight, Seeing, and Pursuasion. If you have those three Force powers you can be on your guard for anything if you just use them at the right time. The 1st level I thought was the trickest considering you didn't have Pursuasion. It starts to be really intense after level 1 but you have to kill those enemies quickly!! When I finally saw those Saber Statues in the Sith Ruins I was releived! This one and One Rebel's Sacrafice 1-9 levels are the most interesting ones I have ever seen! ( 7 )
Posted: 2004-02-11 3:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
This was one of my favorite MotS levels. The only problem is that at one point in lvl 3 the bad girl (forget her name) just stood on her elevator and wouldn't fight. I kept going to the obelisk room where she showed up again.

Some people reported being stuck trying to finish lvl 3, so SPOILERS:
To get into the inner temple: You can open the door in the flooded hallway by pressing the buttons beside it while using force seeing. The skeleton key is used on doors in the inner temple.

How to destroy the obelisk -- SPOILER2:
One of the switches in the obelisk room opens a panel overhead. Jump up there and get a SithCron. Select it with ] key and use Enter to activate it. Then let the obelisk try to zap you, and it will overload.

Wot fun!

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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter