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Lava Works

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Lava Works


It's a medievalish/dungeonish type setting, I guess. There are several traps included to spice up the gameplay, and the only big weapon in the level is one rail detonator. It's a small/medium sized map good for about 2-3 players.

Note: I'll be releasing a 16-bit patch for this level shortly, so keep your eyes peeled.

Check out the review of this level.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
1.3 MiB


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Posted: 2000-12-06 7:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well me as a bit of a fan for medievil and war levels am delighted to see that more editors out there our making this kinda stuff. I like levels like Shadows keep and stuff so i hope this level is like that !.

Iam about to download it now and i praise you for making a medievil level !
Posted: 2000-12-06 8:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
While I appreciate the idea of these sorts of old booby traps in a temple, they're a bit much.. I couldn't even navigate the level, because when I tried I was either falling in lava, getting shot by a very accurate arrow trap, or falling down a pit that was tough to pass because of a low ceiling (The pit was in dflt.mat btw).. Nice looking level, but I'd rather fight players, not a level.
FoGGy 2 DoPe
Posted: 2000-12-06 8:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
i agree with slug, this map seemed like the authors entire focus was just on makin different without considering the fact that the numerous traps and low cielings just make it difficult to enjoy. the majority of the map looked nice, but i think the spikey pits of death were pretty poorly textured as well. on the whole the map was pretty but unplayable
Posted: 2000-12-06 9:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
I know it is a bit cramped :), but I never had any problems with the traps. They're actually quite easy to avoid. That's what I found anyway.
It seemed to play well enough with two people...

By the way, Sluggo, you meant the pit at the bottom of the arrow trap was textured in dflt.mat? That's odd...I could've sworn it was textured...
Posted: 2000-12-07 5:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
Actually, the two smaller pits had dflt texture. Maybe you sent in an older version of the level.
Posted: 2000-12-07 3:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Too frustrating for me :\

Posted: 2000-12-07 4:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
looks good
Posted: 2000-12-13 2:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice looking problem.......the traps....they really get on your nerves after a while. I know you made the level and know how to avoid them but imagin this......your walking down a corridor thinking...i better get some walk to towards it in no get rush and SMASH you are a collection of atom's that aren't coming down anytime soon. I do like the look of this level but the traps hinder gameplay not improve it....remove one or two and it could be great. (you do have a dflt in the two traps by the way)

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