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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Multiplayer Level » OgnobOasis


OgnobOasis was designed to be more playable than Oasis. It contains more ammo and new entry points into key areas for more complex strategies and gameplay.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
439.3 KiB
Ognob and Calyx


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Posted: 2000-11-01 8:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW! Anyone who wrote something about this level because of its name are complete losers! Yeah! Remember to not judge a book by its cover losers! Alrigth! CO ALL THE WAY!
Posted: 2000-11-01 8:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
Please people, do not abuse the commenting system we offer here. If you're going to post comments, do it after having downloaded and played the level.
Posted: 2000-11-02 1:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
Don't feel bad! I got the same treatment last week -- and I only skinned CO.

Use the constructive criticism (or anger) and focus it toward your next mod; as I am doing now.

My advise would be to do this type of mod for your own review or someone who doesn't mind new mods of the originals (like myself).

Your work looks great. Keep it up, and I look forward to your next work.

Posted: 2000-11-02 5:14 a.m.   Report Abuse

Another CO mod....

Why dont we see any more Blades of death mod... or nar shadda loading terminal mods!!!!

this CO mod is just as bad as all the other one... full conc, only 2 new sections added... few crates.

BOOM! new level..

I'm starting to get weary of these levels..
Posted: 2000-11-02 9:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
hmm.... i thought the level looked alright, and it played rather well especially for an oasis mod.
Posted: 2000-11-02 4:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
My goal for the level was to create a fun level for NF Guns gameplay with standard rules and NOT to mutilate it. I've played several other Oasis mods from JK with tons of new platforms, weapons, and general useless junk. I tried to focus on the basics, the gameplay, and not just complex platforms and passageways for eye candy.
Posted: 2000-11-08 6:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, for an CO moderation, not bad. I gave it 7 because it focuses on game play, not on the eye, and that is pretty much all that counts. However, I was a little disappointed with the ammo and weapon placement...a little less conc rifles, and some places for
snipers would have been awesome. This is indeed for Mots, and it is to improve CO, so why not add some areas for sniping?

Overall though, I liked the additions, and I look forward to anything this author has to offer us.

BTW, the thing that turned most of us off was the title and the fact that it was an CO mod. We have indeed seen far too many CO mods. I downloaded this one because it was for Mots so I figured there would be some differences, and as it turned out there were.

Posted: 2000-11-08 6:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
JD, since when have there ever been any Blades of Death Mods? I have not once seen one! Perhaps I am just blind, but I would like to try one out.

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