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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » Zella


This is a medium sized level. This is my best level yet. I finally added force powers! The level has a custom saber, custom sound, forces and a partner. Mara Jade is your partner that helps you throughout the level. I also wrote goal cogs. You are sent to a base on Zella s.t.p. to knock out the base.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
94.4 KiB
Jaime Muscatelli


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Posted: 2000-10-07 6:48 a.m.   Report Abuse simply looks like adjoined boxes. I'll post some of my tips. Keep working at it....

1) Try to stay away from large areas of doesn't look too good like that.

2) Try not to leave sky surfaces reachable by the player.

3) Vary in your textures.

4) Architecture is important. Don't deny it. Boxes just don't do it (unless it's for like a vent or something).

5) Theme...all levels need a theme....and a plot. I mean a good plot will seperate the good levels from the not so good.

6) Lighting. Without lighting, you're screwed.

7) Remember, the cleave tool is your friend, yep, mhm....
Posted: 2000-10-07 8:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I see from the screenshots that you threw my advice right out the window. I'm not bothering to download this "Adventure in Box-land with several dozen stormies and multiple Dark Maras and Dark Kyles" this time. Good luck.

[In the interest of fairness, I did go ahead and download it (I'm getting soft in my old age) and there are no Dark Maras or Dark Kyles to fight against.]
Posted: 2000-10-07 9:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
Instead of creating a cheap level every week, try making ONE GOOD level even if it takes you a month.

-Quit the boxiness
-Put some variation in textures
-Think of an original plot
Posted: 2000-10-07 2:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Leebo, a good SP level takes waaaay over a month to make. I am yet to download this, but I can see from the size that it can't be too big on the enhancements.

The author should remember to try and compete with the current levels out there. aim higher, perhaps use ideas from the ones already out there.
Sura Boyay
Posted: 2000-10-07 3:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
You guys shouldn't be so hard on this author. The level really isn't that bad. Now grant it is not the best out there but did have some action for you SP junkies out there. I know some of the texturing was bad and it was a bunch of boxes, but I still had fun in it. The Mara Jade being your side kick part was pretty cool. I have only seen stuff like this done in the Yurgan and Zak levels. Just remeber all editors start somewhere ex. Anthony Piggot's Vader Journey to his BOAM levels.
Posted: 2000-10-08 4:27 a.m.   Report Abuse
True, but in one month you could really improve certain parts of this level.
Posted: 2000-10-08 4:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
Just keep at it is all.It is a good level.
Once you get to the point where your comfortable using the cleave tool.
Try different things like changing the settings on your map editor so you snap lines ever .01 show dots every .01 e.t.c
Things like that.I applaud the effort.
A lot of the tutorials are really good here for different areas.Keep it up ,your next level will be better:)
Posted: 2000-10-08 5:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
I wouldn't say we are being harsh, just giving some advice.
Posted: 2000-10-08 9:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sorry about these numerous comments, but did anyone notice Jaime is using JKEDIT?

1) If it's the unregistered version, you can't make levels any better than that.

2) You don't cleave in JKEDIT.

Posted: 2000-10-08 12:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
He is insistent on buying the full version of JKEdit, despite my best efforts to convince him to switch to JED.
Posted: 2000-11-08 3:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
hi guys,

i have a better level coming out i have been making since this 1 which is about 3 1/2 months. its called Vader's base. please check it out and tell me what you think
Boun-Tee Hunter
Posted: 2000-12-16 7:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
Now now, there's no need to get violent. After all, I can't even make a good box level. LOL

Boun-Tee Hunter
Posted: 2023-09-17 9:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sorry. This is the level I meant for Vader's Base. But I'll try that one next. I'm reposting my R and R here now:
Posted: 2023-09-17 9:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'm gonna give this level an 8. It's not that bad but there's room for improvement.

. I didn't like how it started off in a battle. The 1st room should always be empty so the player can get settled in. The stormtroopers basically have you killed before it even loads if you're not careful.

Besides. That everything else is good. Kay, now I've reconsidered. Since I only found 1 thing wrong with your level, I'll only deduct 1 point. So, my final rating will be a 9/10. Good job and well done!
Posted: 2023-09-17 9:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok my last comment: We're good now. This is where that comment should be and I'll get around to that one later. I'm on it now...

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