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DIGO Oasis

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » DIGO Oasis


Canyon Oasis Modification. There are 4 secrets in the level, more arms, more items and some *.wav files (funny!).


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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74.4 KiB


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Posted: 2000-09-17 5:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
I haven't played this, but what is it with all these CO mods? What's so special about Canyon Oasis? I've never seen any "Bespin Mining Station" or "Valley Tower" mods. I just think it's much better for people to concentrate on new stuff instead of recycling LEC levels.
Posted: 2000-09-17 7:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well oasis is big in the CR gunning community, so allot of people try to spin off.
Posted: 2000-09-17 10:01 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well jeez, it's because "Bespin Mining Station" is just so dang perfect. Duh.

S'okay. Adios.

Posted: 2000-09-17 4:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
I am sorry, but this level was just simply pathetic. It is just another Wannabe-Oasis. The new .wav's that were used in this level are VERY annoying. The WAV's go off when you enter a certain area, and stay on till you leave. The only visible change (besides the wallpaper) was the fact that there are force fields and grating of some of the water areas that must be shot open. All and all this is another pathetic wannabe Oasis level. I REALLY hated the new sounds added because if you stayed in 1 area for about 5 seconds you become VERY annoyed. Don't waste the hard drive space.
Posted: 2000-09-18 4:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
um... judging from the generic idea of YET ANOTHER oasis conversion..and the comments streaming off this lvl i'm not even going to bother with the screenshots..i agree stop dwelling on LEC levels and do something new.

also .. replying the first post ..ppl do conversions of BGJ and CO because they are the two most widely played levels and it's making a conversion of a level that not many people bother with..meh =)
Posted: 2000-09-18 4:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Please people, STOP MAKING CANYON OASIS MODIFICATIONS! Everyone is sick of Canyon Oasis. It is probably the most overused level yet (Although it is a VERY good level). Make your own levels and create your own ideas, or don't try. Please stop killing the joy of LucasArts levels.
Ad Infinitum
Posted: 2000-09-18 6:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Back to the first post, someone did release a mod for Valley of the Jedi Tower. It was called Valley of the Jedi Tower 2000 and greatly expanded it. The author opened up the lower valley, and added guns and traps and what not. The graphics were horrible, and the additions destroyed the flow of the origional level, but at least it was more imaginative and, amazingly, higher quality than CO mods. The only one I am even remotely interested in playing is CO in winter, and that only because it was made by SavageX.
Posted: 2000-09-18 7:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well with the screen shot I had to see for myself. I dont think this level is worth downloading. I'll vouce for the wavs being annyoing because i turned my volume off.

I will say I like the wallpaper better than regular oasis. But take our word for it, waste of time to bother with this level.
Darth Bane
Posted: 2000-09-19 7:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
No offense to the author, but Oasis levels are never good. What is the point of making a so-so level over and over and over and over..... It may be a fun thing to do for a first level, but don't release it. You're just going to be ridiculed for it. Stop making these!
Posted: 2000-09-25 11:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
Not another oasis, the galaxy must be full of them
Posted: 2000-10-05 5:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
-La verdad es que este nivel esta muy bueno, aunque fue nada mas modificacion, pero esta muy ¡¡cool!!

-The truth is that this level this very good one, although it was anything but modification, but this very cool!!

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