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A Jedi's Quest : Part I

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » A Jedi's Quest : Part I


Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, has been taken on the hard task of re-establishing the Jedi Knight Order. Unfortunately, the task is harder than he originally thought. While traveling the galaxy in search of Jedi artifacts or other clues, Luke begins to find that he is being followed. From system to system, it seems that he constantly has a shadow, and the young Jedi decides to take action. Travelling in his X-Wing with the company of R2-D2, Luke goes to a remote Imperial Intelligence Bunker on the planet of Sarrn. This bunker, once an Imperial listening post used by Grand Admiral Thrawn, has been converted to a small Intelligence center. Imperial Intelligence has always been quite good, so Luke decides that in their database they must have bounty hunters assigned to watch, and possibly kill him. He only needs proof.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
6.0 MiB
Luke Thomas


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Posted: 2000-08-31 2:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
These levels are cool. I like the whole idea of the storyline and the voice-overs are great. The only problem I found was on the 3rd level, theres this guy, and every time I kill him it crashes, so I just let him live. Cant wait for the next part!

Posted: 2000-08-31 9:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
Wow, screenshots are hard to go by, and in this case again, they withhold the truth of a level's detail, quality, and great gameplay. A truly great storyline adds to the fun. Can't wait to see part 2. Keep up the great work!

Joruus C'baoth, clone of the famed Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, was, obvious to Luke and Mara, NotQuiteSane
Posted: 2000-08-31 12:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level definitely rocks, hands down. I only had one prob with it and that was on level 3 where it crashed to Windows...otherwise a solid piece of work.

Looking forward to Part 2!
Sura Boyay
Posted: 2000-08-31 2:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
I don't know where you guys have been but this level has been out for about a year now. Basically I think the best part of the these levels are the cutscenes. And sense this level is pretty old I doubt there is still a sequel being made sense no one has heard any word about it and it's been a whole year. I mean BOAM was a lot better than this and all three of it's levels where out in under 6 months. Sorry if I crushed any of your guy's dreams of a sequel just stating the truth.
Posted: 2000-09-01 4:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
Don't listen to the guy above me, I am making Part II, it is just taking a while, I will have a preview out shortly, maybe as early as next week. Check out my page for details, and info on my projects.
Posted: 2000-09-03 6:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
these three levels are cool. i like the voice overs.thise adventure to me is harder than the game it self, with all the vents i had to find to get past some of the doors. I was kind of hoping i could blast Boba Fett at the end but in this game you dont fight him, maybe in part 2. download this game and see if you can beat it.
Posted: 2000-09-03 8:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
A very cool level. I can't wait for the second part. I like the idea of the whole thing about having the two best jedi in the galaxy in one game, Kyle and Luke.

Darth Bane
Posted: 2000-09-08 6:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a great level trilogy. The story is vibrant, exciting, and best of all, it's not far-fetched unlike many other SP missions. This is probably the best origininal story I've seen since Birth of a Mercenary. Excellent level design, and great puzzles. And yes, those cutscenes are pretty cool. Gotta love th voice-overs! But it does crash. I mean a lot! You've got to do something about that. This is an instant classic, and a must have for true gamers! The end really leaves you hanging, though, so I can't wait for the next chapter!
Posted: 2000-09-16 6:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
I love this level pack too, great voice acting, cool new enemies and locations. Neat Puzzles and the architecture and just plain fun. Only thing I would suggest is use Al's Rebel Pilot skin with Al's Luke face, it will look a lot better than the skin that was used.

The author recently released a Part II preview level, that's cool too:
Posted: 2000-09-18 7:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just an update, I'm still working, but I have 2 1/2 levels to go to complete the story,. My webserver changes name. The webpage where my Part II preview is located is:

It just changed, so the above address won't work.
Posted: 2000-10-08 8:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
Other than the crashes every now and then this is a very, very good level,good plot, good level texturing, when the sequal coming out!?!
Val Langley
Posted: 2000-10-21 1:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
It didn't crash on me once, guess I'm lucky. Great camera angles. Butte I left an AI hiding in the corner that I didn't see, and it poked it's head out and said "Hehehe cutscene- defensless! And I commenced dieing. I say make HARD one hit kill, and it would also be cool if in HARD mode the cutscenes didn't care if you were safe- one hit from an enemy you missed while yer yappin' or lookin at someone and you shdie. Download this sigle player journey [or whatever] at all costs.
Posted: 2000-10-26 10:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
this level was very good. it is the best level i have played. i have played it 3 times already and i hope that the next one will be just as good.
Black Knight
Posted: 2000-12-30 8:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
VERY COOL LEVEL! Notjing bad about it that I can say. They should make more.

Posted: 2001-01-21 6:01 a.m.   Report Abuse
Absolutely the best! Great job on the skins and cutscenes. I also like the little add-ons such as the huge bacta tanks. I can see that you put a lot of time into this. Cannot wait for number 2. Oh, and for the people who play this, I think I know why it crashes. I notice when I play that if I run into an area that is loaded with those guys with the new skins it crashes. So all you have to do is walk slow when entering a room full of these guys. I did this and got through the whole level with no problems. The problem is that the system that Jedi Knight has, has to load the new skins when you enter that room. This generally doesn't take long, but if you do it too fast well... we know what happpens. Notice how this doesn't happen on the first 2 levels because there are few skin changes. Just like to point that out. And to the author, yet again, great job and I am greatly anticipating the release of the second part. Oh, and at the end when Kyle came gave me quite a surprise. Overall, excellent story line and levels. (Lets not forget the cutscenes too!)
Posted: 2001-01-26 4:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is the best level I have seen. The story line is great with gorgeous level design to boot. The red troopers look excellent along with all the other newbies.
I think what is really great here is that the levels capture the atmosphere of the starwars universe perfectly. I eagerly await the next in the series.
Posted: 2001-03-05 7:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is a very good set of levels- I hope that there will be a second pack SOON- I hate cliff hanger endings that never finish! Ran beutifully- corridors are nicly spaced and and textured wonderfully. Enemy placemant was very good as well.

A definate MUST FINISH!!!
Posted: 2001-04-18 2:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
After reading everybody elses comments I was expecting something good...

And I got it!
Very good work, I enjoyed the story line very much. Those bounty hunters could have done with some work though, where did they fire those rails from? I might have missed it with running for my life but I couldn't see any obvious places.
Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to your next level.
Posted: 2001-05-14 11:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
These levels were great can't wait for part two! Keep up the good work.
Posted: 2001-09-09 12:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
I feel like its 1997 all over again, and this is the rebirth of gaming. A jedi's quest was an excellent example of how good a Dark Forces 2 and Jedi Knight MotS can be! With original SE (Sound Effects) skins and great cutscenes it makes me want to jump for joy when the next part is released. I for shallow reasons gave this a 9 instead of 10, because its so damn better than any of my lvls. But hey live and learn and make better packages.

Download this now otherwise when you go to bed may the jedi knight fairy will make you download in your underoos!

Signed a Jedi Knight and Scholar,
Darth Dooby!
Posted: 2001-09-09 12:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
I feel like its 1997 all over again, and this is the rebirth of gaming. A jedi's quest was an excellent example of how good a Dark Forces 2 and Jedi Knight MotS can be! With original SE (Sound Effects) skins and great cutscenes it makes me want to jump for joy when the next part is released. I for shallow reasons gave this a 9 instead of 10, because its so damn better than any of my lvls. But hey live and learn and make better packages.

Download this now otherwise when you go to bed may the jedi knight fairy will make you download in your underoos!

Signed a Jedi Knight and Scholar,
Darth Dooby!
Posted: 2002-02-13 6:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great level! I Can't wait for the continuation.
Beatles_D.Bowie_R. Stones
Posted: 2002-07-05 5:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
A great set of levels. I like the addition of the 'swoopers' (I call one of the new enemies that because he looks like the SOTE Swoop Driver toy) and all the other new enemies, and all that. A great thing is that the Space Station is infested with the coolest guys ever...BOUNTY HUNTERS!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAMWUHAHAHAHAHAHHHEEEAHHH *ghakkkk---wheeeezzee---Gakkk-cough couhg* Oh, sorry... Oh, what the heck. Go download it alredy! Have fun!
Leia_O. Solo
Posted: 2005-03-28 2:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
This was an awsome level!I know it was made forever ago but i still have hopes that theres ganna be part 2.*crosses fingurs* please be a part 2!I loved this level and at the end for some reason i couldnt stop laughing.Please make part 2!

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