Weapons part 2
Author: EvanC
In this tutorial you will learn how to modify the bryar
pistol to shoot concusion blasts and sound like a repeator.
You will need an ungob program and a text editor(notepad is
fine for this).
With your Ungob program open up Res2.gob and extract
weap_bryar.cog. Open the cog up in Notepad.
At the top you will notice this:
# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# WEAPON 2 Script - Bryar Pistol
# The trusty weapon of Kyle Katarn. This is actually an older modified rifle
# that has been cut down to more of a pistol size. It is very accurate but
# somewhat of a low power weapon. This weapon has only one type of fire.
# - Affected by MagSealed sectors/surfaces.
# [YB & CYW]
# (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved
At the start of each line is a "#". That means that everything on
a line that comes after the "#" is ignored. So this entire
section is waffle that doesn't mean anything to JK. In
here you can put your copyright information, email adress
ETC when you make your own weapon.
Anyway, skip about one line down from that part.
There should be the word "symbols". This is the start of the
symbols section, and this section ends at the word "end"
(which is about 45 lines down). In here is where you put
in all the resources that the cog will use.
To start with we will change the sound that the bryar uses.
Scroll down about 10 lines from the "symbols" line.
What you should see is this:
sound outSound=pistout1.wav local
sound mountSound=df_bry_ready.wav local
sound dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav local
sound fireSound=pistol-1.wav local
This is the sound section of this cog. It lists all
the sounds used in the cog. The line with "fireSound"
has the name of the bryar pistols fireing sound,
"pistol-1.wav". What we want to do is change the
"pistol.wav" into "rpeatrlp.wav" which is the repeator
firesound. Now the bryar will sound like a repeator when it
Now what we will do is scroll down a line untill we
see this:
template projectile=+bryarbolt local
THis is the projectile the bryar uses (+bryarbolt). We want
to change it to "+concbullet". Now the bryar bolt will
fire a concusion bullet and make the sound of a repeator when
it shoots.
To use this modified cog save it as "weap_bryar.cog" in
your JK/resource/cog folder and run JK.
If you wanted to make your own weapon you probably wouldn't
just replace the projectiles or sounds, you'd make your
own. Making new projectiles is covered in part 3 of this
coments, suggestions, questions to Evan C(ev@wave.co.nz)