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Targeting Reticule
Author: Obsidian
This tutorial isn't meant for the new coggers... You have to have an understanding of how cog works and some knowledge of where files go in the resource directory. I'm going to assume you know what goes where in this tutorial.
The targeting reticule is mainly used in force powers (blinding, grip, pull, ect.) and tells the player who/what they have targeted. It has no effect other then that, as the force power's cog already knows what's targeted and what's not.
I reviewed many ways to write this tutorial, and I concluded that displaying the cog I made and giving detailed comments would be the best route, as (how i first started writing this tutorial) doing it step by step takes a long time, and is quite confusing (not only when writing it, but reading one as long as this one would have to be would be no walk in the park either).
There are 3 commands (there may be more, but you only need 3) specifically used for the target reticule.
JkSetTargetColor(color1, color2, color3);
sets the colors of the 3 'bouncing' circles. color1
the color of the 1st circle, color2
is the color of the 2nd circle, and
is the color of the 3rd circle.
sets the bouncing circles on the specified thing. Only one
thing can be targeted in this manner at a time.
removes the circles from whatever they were set to by
Below is the cog i wrote for this tutorial, it is also (should be
anyway) available in the zip. It replaces force pull.
(note: the included cog is not commented)
# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# force_pull.cog
# Cog for the Target Reticule tutorial.
# Obsidian 11-14-99
int player local
int potential local
int victim local
flex MaxDist=5 local
message startup
message activated
message deactivated
message pulse
# ==========
player = GetLocalPlayerThing();
# ..........
victim = -1;
# ..........
victim = -1;
potential = FirstThingInView(player, 90, 8, 0x404); // Get the First thing in player's sight that is either a player (0x400) or an actor (0x4)
while(potential != -1)
HasLOS(player, potential) && // If the player can see potential
(potential != player) && // if the player isn't potential
(VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), GetThingPos(potential)) <= MaxDist) && // Make sure potential is no farther then MaxDist (5 JKUs)
!(GetThingFlags(potential) & 0x200) // *shrugs*
victim = potential; // If potential passes all the filters, then make it the victim. Victim, however, will not be killed until the deactivated: message is run.
potential = NextThingInView(); // Get the next thing if potential was filtered out
if(victim != -1) // If we have a victim targeted
jkSetTargetColors(1, 2, 3); // Set the colors for the target circles
jkSetTarget(victim); // Set Victim as the target and activates the circles
jkEndTarget(); // If we have no victim, then turn off the circles/cancel the last target.
# ..........
If((HasLOS(player, victim)) && (victim != -1)) // Makes sure that victim is still in sight, and that we actually have a victim to kill
DamageThing(victim, GetThingHealth(victim), 0x4, player); // Turns the lights out on whoever is targeted
jkEndTarget(); // Turn circles off
That is the bare bones necessary for using the target reticule as it is
used in the force powers. By changing the flags on FirstThingInView
(thing type flags) you can make it select other things besides
players/actors (such as in force pull).
Good luck and happy editing,
Thanks go out to ThreeDee for inspiring this tutorial (those that are wondering if I could have made this thanks any smaller.. no, believe me i tried :)) (j/k)