Character Model Import Tutorial - 2
Author: Michael Frost
Extracting Assets0.pk3
A quick explanation of PK3 files, for those of you not familiar: A PK3 file is simply a .ZIP file, renamed to .PK3. Quake uses this format, and so does JK2. In order to access a .PK3, you first have to rename it to .ZIP, then extract its contents to another folder, like any ZIP file. I choose to extract this file to a folder, C:\Assets0\ on my hard drive. I recommend doing this, but you will need to have at least 600 MB free on your hard disk to do so.
After extracting, I also go back and rename Assets0.ZIP to Assets0.PK3. I recommend doing this, but you will need to have at least 600 MB free on your hard disk to do so.
What is Assets0?
This file here contains the existing model files, textures, and such, for the characters and some levels of the game, as well as code, etc. It also contains the file _humanoid.gla, which we will need to set up the animations within assimilate!
Go to C:\Assets0\ to find the extracted file _Humanoid.gla
Look for this 9 MB file in
This folder contains the file _humanoid.GLA.
Copy or Move this file from this directory to C:\base\models\players\_humanoid\
That's all you need that file for now. Your humanoid file is now ready for use in future.