Fix skin textures!!!
how to fix a skins textures after you edit the 3do.
once you have edited your skin 3do (we will use the torso for
now) you will probably see that your textures are very skrewy.
Ill use RobX's ninjaX skin as an example cuz i had to change over
200 lines of his 3do(i dont like doing that so im writing
this!!). see how the face is on his chest because he added a
sword to the torso 3do? well we haveto fix that right? so here is how you go
about doing that.
Open the 3do up in word pad, and look at the texture list.see the nxtorsf.mat's number? well
remeber it (10) also note that nxtorsb.mat is number 9. now go to
the edited section of 3do for the torso mesh. go to the faces
section and look at the number right after the colen. thats the
numbers we have to change. as you can see those numbers DO NOT
corrispond to the ones for the torso mats
all those 0's should be changed, but
into what???? a 10? or a 9? well open up the edited 3do for your
torso, just the torso! not the whole thing. and look at the
texture list. this is what it would- did look like.
now remember the texture number 9 in the
skin was nxtorsb.mat and its number 1....and 2 here( i dont know
what robX was thinking) so go back to the skin 3do and change all
those 0's in the face list of the torso mesh to 10's and all the
2's and 1's to 9's. see thats not too hard huh?now your mats are
fixed and it looks good!!! SEE???? and you dont have to ask
somone else to change 200 lines in a 3do for you, arn't you
now his chest is fine
send any questions or comments to me GuNbOy