Before You Get Started:
Be sure to download the file that contains everything you need.
If you want to make your own SPRITE here is what the fire sprite used in this tutorial looks like:
#material type width height geo light tex extralight xoff yoff zoff fire_ani.mat 0 0.12 0.12 4 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Now you have all of the files in their correct spots in the project directory you can now begin the addition of sprites into your level.
Steps for Adding Sprites:# DESC: # BBOX: 0 0 0 0 0 0 +fire_sprite none orient=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) type=cog move=physics thingflags=0x10000000 sprite=burn.spr mass=0.050000 physflags=0x200 vel=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000)
SPRITEx (thing): These are where the thing # of your ghosts go. Since you only have added 1 ghost so far place its thing # in the sprite0 (thing) box.
SPR (template): This is where you select the SPRITE you will be using. double click the empty box to open the resource picker. At the end of the list should be +fire_sprite. Select it and hit OK.
NOTE: The two options below are for animating the sprite (if the mat used in the sprite is multi-celled). For this tutorial they will be used.
MATANIM (material): Here you select the MAT you wish to animate. Double-click the box. In the resource picker select mat/. Select the fire_ani.mat.
FPS (flex): This option lets you select how fast the mat gets animated.
If you have any questions or problems email me at