EvanC has whipped up a tutorial on making circles. This is different from Brian's recent "perfect polygons" tutorial, in that it deals with cleaving circular sectors out of the middle of a larger sector, to make things like pillars.. Brian's method is for making big round rooms, not architecture within rooms.Holocron Editing - Slug
Holocron Editing has updated it's page with another screenshot and a promise to try and get some more from all the members throughout the week, so keep checkin' in there.. Thanks for the info Justin0.Further Updating - Slug
To the rest of you editing groups, keep in mind that we'll gladly post any information regarding screenshots, demos, or any other sign of progress from your group - You just have to send us an email.
KYA and the Jedi RPG have been re-added to the list. Thanks for taking the time to email me guys.Editing Groups - Slug
I updated the editing groups page, fixing a few old links and taking down links to groups no longer existing, or at least, with no forwarding address at their old site. Here are the links that I took down, if you know the new page of one of these editing groups, just send me an email.
Corsec Coruscant Editing Network JKEG JPG KYA Star Wars RPG
There is a new tutorial on the tutorials page. It is a tutorial on how to change your saber handle. Thanks to (V)erlin for that. Reat the tutorial here.New 3do - fourwood
Kalen sent us this great bridge 3do. Download it at the 3dos page or here.Old Message Board Archived - Brian
You can download it from here, its not on the files page yet: ftp://ftp.jedinights.com/massassi/mboard8.zip.Levelord Interview - Brian
Saw on Blues News that False.com has an interview with Levelord. Be sure to check it out. If you don't know who Levelord is, he has worked on tons of older games (Duke Nukem 3d, Quake 1 misson packs, more) and is now one of the main designers of SiN. He also has an article in our articles section (no, he didn't do it for us, we just posted a link to it).Jedi Corps: Reopened - Brian
Jedi Corps has reopened, and has a few great editors now. Jepman has been hard at work on the page, so check it out.Command Chamber: Single Player Level Reviews - Brian
If you don't watch the news at Jedi Nights or JediKnight.net, you may have missed the new single player reviews at The Admiral's Command Chamber.Saberworks: More Screenshots - Brian
Remember, make sure that if you have a level completed, submit it to all the news sites, as well as all the level review sites (but not this site).
Saberworks has posted a bunch more screenshots, so if you are keeping up on their project, be sure to check it out.New Version of JkEdit - Brian
JediKnight.net reports on a new version of JkEdit, if you use that editor, make sure to go to the JkEdit Homepage to download it. Remember, they also have a ton of tutorials over there covering level editing in JkEdit.New Player Character Tutorial - Brian
Lee Howitt has submitted another Player Character tutorial. This one basically explains another way to make the main character of your single player levels someone other than Kyle in JK or Mara in MotS.Updated Prefab - Slug
The ultimate pipe prefab posted here recently has been updated by the author. The prefab can be found in the prefab section. Thanks to the author, Jake Troxell, for the contribution.
The message board is back up and can be found at its new location:
Thanks to slug for looking out while I was gone.
On another note, the server had a root hard drive crash, its back up, and will hopefully stay that way.
Saberworks has posted some more screenshots for your viewing pleasure. Check 'em out and if you feel like it, leave a note telling them what you think on their message board.Gibberish - Brian
Still have the saber handle tutorial and the Player Character tutorial to post -- hopefully will get that done on my lunch break today. Thanks for being patient.
On another note, I haven't updated in a while, been busy with other stuff. Big thanks to Slug and Mangore for hookin the site up in my absence.
Nightmare has made yet another fine contribution to the site, this time it's a door cog that controls 2 doors activated by up to 3 switches. A 4th switch can be used to lock and unlock the other switches and the doors. It's available as always, in the cog archives. Thanks for the support Nightmare.
I made a mistake earlier today when I said the author of the ultimate pipe prefab was John Troxell.. It was in fact made by Jake Troxell, my apologies. As for my punishment? A public floggin' is being planned..Brian Lozier is a Fraud! - Mangore Kiramin
Remember the excellent perfect polygon tutorial by Brian Lozier? Well, he claims to have been the genious who came up with this process. BUT I know for a FACT (through inside sources that I am unable to reveal at this time) that he did not do this alone! He had a little help from the Polygon Ninja's Josh and Dave. So don't let Brian steal all the credit for himself!That Level Rocked! - Mangore Kiramin
Last night Brian, Phantom, Steve-O, and I had the best deathmatch Jedi Knight game I have had in along time. Why? Because it was the level "Lord of the Tower" by Jason Burton. If you haven't tried this level out, you should! So download it here:A New Dome Tutorial - Mangore Kiramin
dak_towr1.zip (151kb)
IRN_Razor_CORE has written a tutorial that expands upon the "Creating a Dome in JED" tutorial written by myself. It describes another way to create a similar dome. Check it out. Thanks Razor.Grumble... How Come I Get All the Dirty Work? - Mangore Kiramin
That's right folks: another toilet 3do, this one by Penguan and Proto Tech Editing. So download it and have some fun.Insanity Strikes.. - Slug
Gonk has released another enemy pack, called the Insane Enemies Pack. Thanks for the contribution Gonk.Brand Spankin' new 3dos - Slug
Ok, ok, so one of them has been sitting in my inbox for awhile, it's not exactly brand new but in my defense the other one has only been in my possession for half an hour. The first is a hovertrain by Nightmare. It's got 8 different cars to it and comes with a custom .snd file. The second is a Rebel Medium Transport by Ryan Bickhart. It's one of those big ships that the rebels escaped Hoth in. Both are really top-notch 3dos, so download 'em now! Thanks for sending those in guys.New Prefab - Slug
Jon Troxell has sent in a new prefab called The ultimate pipe. Sounds promising eh? So go check that out, thanks for the file John.
Achilles sent in a manned turret 3do It's available in the 3do section as always.. Thanks for the contribution Achilles.New Outdoor Buildings Tutorial - Brian
Dino Delucchi has just submitted an excellent tutorial on creating outdoor buildings. His technique allows you to create the insides more easily and effectively than our previous tutorials. Be sure to take a look, and let Dino know what you think.Thanks to Whiplash - Brian
Note: This tutorial has not been added to our tutorials section yet. I will add this, and previous un-added tutorials this week sometime. Gotta love Algebra tests.
Whiplash Productions has just gotten their ultra-cool support board working. They modifed the perl script so it uses verdana font and the light up links in the individual message files. Jeb has given us permission to use the perl code in our message board, so soon we will have one that matches the rest of the site. Don't worry, same old wwwboard, just different colors and fonts! Thanks Whiplash.JkEdit Section No More - Brian
Due to our lack of updates to our JkEdit section, it has been removed. All of the tutorials there were for JkEdit version 1.0 and 1.01. Now that JkEdit has reached version 1.21, ALL of our info was misleading and confusing (there are so many new features). Anyway, the JkEdit Homepage (link in our links section) has a BUNCH of tutorials to help you learn JkEdit.More Stuff on the Way - Brian
Up and coming: New Player Character tutorial, sabers tutorial, and a couple of 3do's. Just wanted to let the authors know that yes, they are in the to-do folder.
Just got a new cog from Lee Howett, it's a Text/Voice cog. It plays text dialogue and a .wav file when an adjoin is crossed. The cog is available, as always, in the cog archives. Thanks for the support Lee.Bounty Hunters TC - Mangore Kiramin
Also, expect a 3do to be posted here soon, I'm holding off because no name was put on the email.
Rancor Productions is looking for anyone who can do 3do's, cogs, levels, skins, or has alot of knowlege about Bounty Hunters for Rancor Productions new Bounty Hunter TC. If anyone wants to join e-mail (V)eRLiN or visit their page and post a message on the forum.They are looking for perment members as well as members just for this TC.Toilet 3do (Hey, even stormtroopers need to go sometimes) - Mangore Kiramin
Achilles sent in a prision toliet for your editing pleasure. I admit, I recieved this a few days ago. Sorry I didn't update it sooner. Here is what the author had to say:Here's a new 3do of a nice little homly prison toliet. I was just working on a level where you escape from prison via the sewer and then I thought, "hey maybe those people over at massassi need a toliet." have fun!Thanks for thinking of us! Download it here. (You know, I was just thinking... I would hate to take of all that armor every time I had to visit the men's room...)
-- Mangore "I have no decency" Kiramin
I got this picture the other day from Rob, it's a picture of a 3do he's been working on and will release in the future.. Pretty spiffy eh?More then a glimpse.. - Slug
I just recieved a 3do pack entitled: The Cantina Party Pack. It's got a lot of new 3dos including a full sized pool table, pool cues, billiard balls, accoustic guitar, ceiling mounted wide screen tv, and a bottle of anti-depressent (aka, whiskey) Thanks to Kenobi for the pack.New Tutorial: Perfect Polygons - Brian
The new tutorial, Perfect Polygons, will show you how to make perfect octagons and 16-sided polygons. These are very useful in creating domes and spiral stairs. Why do they need to be perfect? Well most of the time they don't, but hey, its time to use some of that stuff you learned in Geometry class.Whiplash Productions - Brian
It is not on the download page yet due to the fact that my intenet connection is acting up and I can't get it to upload large files.
Whiplash has now moved to the Jedi Nights family. With the move, they have also updated their page with 10 new screenshots. They have also updated their status page. This group is really one to watch, so check out their new page by following the link above.Help Wanted: Ewok Druids - Brian
The Ewok Druids are now looking for 3do, mat, level, and cog editors. 3do editors are badly needed and must have experience in weapons and/or characters. Mat editors will need to be able to create custom .mat files for custom 3dos and levels. Coggers will need to have experience in weapons, force powers, and level cogs.Message Board Archived - Brian
Please send a sample of your work (either the work itself or a screenshot) to ewokdruid@hotmail.com.
The Message Board has been archived and is available to download on the files page. All the questions were answered to some degree, so if you missed your response, either repost it or download the old one.
Brian showed me a way to tweak the stairs tutorial so that you end up with a lot less sectors, so go check it out again..
In a fit of boredom I wrote up a tutorial on spiral stairs.. If you have any trouble understanding it, send an email my way.. I'll help you out, and update the tutor as needed.. (what good is a tutor that no one can understand?)Tired of non-toggable cameras? - Slug
Yes? Thought so, well Calvin has cured that which ails ya with the release of his ToggleCam. So go check it out in the cog section Thanks for the contribution Calvin, and sorry it took so long to get it posted.. I was on vacation, my grandma was sick, and my harddrive crashed (interpretation: I was being lazy)
Ok, so there might be three. Anyway, if you are looking for a chair 3do, it's your lucky day! ZebaZxant@aol.com has sent us a new 3do. It's a simple office chairwith a high back and arm rests. Check it out!
Well, when I uploaded my dome and sphere prefab, I accidently uploaded a sphere prefab named "spherepf.zip" and ANOTHER sphere prefab named "domepf.zip". When I realized that didnt make much sense, I quickly corrected the problem. :-)Jed Tips Updated - Brian
Anyway, sorry to anyone who downloaded the dome prefab and ended up with a sphere. I hope you can forgive me. Thanks.
The Code Alliance has updated their Jed Tips. This is a great document and I recommend it to everyone who is even thinking about using Jed.New Puppet Jedi - Brian
Thanks again, JediKnight.net.
The Code Alliance has released a new version of Puppet Jedi. It includes the following improvements.Jed Tips Updated - BrianHere's a download link from their server. To use Puppet Jedi, you must have OpenGL installed. Download OpenGL from their server here.
- Better Mat Handling
- Selectable CMP
- Scrollbar for Pitch Change
Thanks for grabbing that news first JediKnight.net.
The Code Alliance has updated their Jed Tips. This is a great document and I recommend it to everyone who is even thinking about using Jed.3D Over-Time: Future Tech 3d, Part 1 - Brian
Thanks again, JediKnight.net.
Not too JK-specific, but definitely of interest to anyone planning on continuing with 3d gaming, Voodoo Extreme reports that 3D Over-Time has an article on the future of 3d. Also take a look at the rest of their articles.Intel: New 3D Website - Brian
Voodoo Extreme also reports on a new (maybe) addition to Intel's Site. The new section discusses various 3d topics. Particularly applicable is this document on 3D rendering in real time, environmental processing, geometry processing, antialiasing, and texture maps. Don't know what those are? Well thats the point of the article. Go take a look if you're interested.
New Tutorial On Circular Rooms - BrianLast Stand Productions has just posted a bunch of amazing screenshots of their new 3do's and skins. At right you can see one, but if you like yourself you will do your eyes a favor and visit their page to see the rest!
Gary MacDonald has submitted a new tutorial on creating rounded rooms in Jed. It is very detailed and can be read here.Darkness Falls: Help Wanted - Brian
Darkness Falls, the monthly online net 'zine is looking for help. Here is the post from their page.Want Your Level Previewed? - BrianDarkness Falls is looking to increase it's writing staff. If you are interested in joining the team, email either Brian or AdrianNote that that Brian is NOT me, its the other Brian.
Darkness Falls is also looking for levels to preview in their upcoming issues. If you have a level you think is well done, be sure to try to get it previewed. Again, here is the post from their page.Holocron Editing Suggestion - BrianWe at DF are very happy with the amount of people submitting levels for previewing and we hope to have that number increase, if you are interested in having your level previewed, contact either Adrian or Tim. Previews can be an excellent way of building hype for your level or allowing people a chance to give suggestions.
Holocron Editing passes on the following suggestion to people interested in joining editing groups.Message Board Archived - BrianPlease don't join this group or any other group arbitrarily. If you're going to join then join with the assumption that you'll be working. Hey, it's cool being part of a group, but what good is it if you're not prepared to do anything? I'm not pointing any fingers, but if you start something then stick with it. Don't attach yourself to a number of things that you know you can't commit to. This isn't just JK editing advice, this is life advice.I totally agree. If you are going to join a group, PLEASE work for that group! Don't join a group if you aren't interested in their project, just find another one.
Archived the message board. Old posts can be downloaded on the files page or by following this link.
The dome master (that's what Mangore insists we call him now - I swear) has created 2 new prefabs for general consumption. A dome and a sphere. Both are a product of his newly-found dome technique.. They're very cool, so get 'em, or else I'll break your thumbs.JED v0.85 Beta Released! - Mangore Kiramin
Thats right folks, the UNDO feature has arrived! How something as complex as UNDO could be possible in JED is beyond me, but the Code Alliance has managed to make it work! Of course, there are also plenty of bug-fixes and more added features, like "Extrude by..." (SHIFT-X) which allows you to specify how many JKUs you wish to extend the sector. For the whole story, check out DarkJedi.Com or just jump straight to the download: Jed_beta85.zip.New Player Character Tutorial - Brian
CrazedUp has submitted a tutorial on making any skin that uses the ky.3do model in JK, or the kk.3do/mj.3do model in MotS, into the main player character. Take a look here.Cool Image - Brian
Mangore Kiramin, author of that Dome tutorial below, had a good time last night making a sector with over 800 faces. It looks pretty cool if you ask me!Dome Tutorial Posted - Mangore Kiramin
A new tutorial has been posted, named Creating a Dome in JED. It was writen by none other than... MYSELF! I hope it is clear enough for everyone to understand. And for those who are thinking "I didn't think Mangore was a Massassi webmaster"... I'm not. =PI Changed Mangore's Mind - Brian
Oh yeah... Saberworks Rocks!
Mangore Kiramin is now an official member of the Massassi Staff. He will be writing tutorials and articles that will rule just as much as his dome tutorial (if you remember, he also wrote the vector calculation tutorial before all those calc programs came out).
His next tutorial, due out in about a week, is on creating realistic contour in the ground of outdoor type levels without sacrificing framerate at all.
Just got a cog from Josh Knudsen that displays a digital clock which shows the time elapsed in the level.. I'd personally think this cog should be a standard thing in all mp levels.. It's helpful to know how much time has gone by in a game with a time limit.Saberworks Released - Brian
On an unrelated note, All hail Saberworks!
Saberworks is the editing group that many of the staff members here at Massassi are involved in. Like who? Slug, Evan, and myself are active members, while Red has generously allowed us to use the skins from The Skinners Skin Pack. Fourwood has also helped us out with some cog work.Cutscenes Tutorial #2 Fixed - Brian
The project is a single player mod for Jedi Knight. If you would like to read more information, see who's on the team, and view some screenshots, click on over to the new site.
I have uploaded the missing zips from the Mots-Style Cutscenes tutorial number 2. They can be found directly on that tutorial's page.C.O.R.E. Tutorial Released - Brian
C.O.R.E. Editing has released their first tutorial. It covers how to make a basic level. Take a look over on their site in the betas section.
Heinz Hogel has sent us a cog previously found at Red's cog archives.. The cog is a counter script that works sort of like the CTF counters. It comes with 3 cogs and a new mat to use with the counter. Thanks for the contribution Heinz.Single Player Level Article - Brian
An article entitled Single Player Levels has been added to our articles section. It discusses everything from the storyline and characters to the framerate and beta testing process. If you have any input, feel free to drop me an email or post it on the message boards.Holocron Editing - Brian
Holocron Editing has recently gone through a site re-design. It looks great now, their logo was done by the now famous Ewok (he did our new logo also).New Cutscenes Tutorial Missing Files - Brian
They have an incredible story and mod in the works, but as always, are looking for a few more very dedicated members. I can personally assure anyone who volunteers for these positions that this is definitely one of the top editing groups out there.
We are aware of this problem, and as soon as we receive the files from the author we will post them. We apologize for any inconvenience.News Archived - Brian
Also, I know there are a few zips on the server that are corrupted. I have been emailed about them before, but I haven't had a chance to fix them. If someone would be so kind as to let me know which those are again, I will try to get them fixed.
If you want to check out the old news, just visit the archived news link at the top of the page.
ZebaZxant sent in 2 NEW sand mats. Both are located in the Materials Section under Natural Mats. Also our friend, Element God, sent in.. well A LOT of mats.. They'll be up soon hopefully. Remember to keep sending them in!