Christmas Day, 1999
Merry Christmas - Takimoto
Just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. During the hustle and bustle of the holidays, let's not forget the reason for the season.
New Logos - blujay
Even though the contest has ended, we are still getting some logos in, so we are still putting them up.  (c;  I added two more by Neo and Wraith Antilles. Unfortunately, I've gotten reports of some logos disappearing from the page. I believe I accidentally overwrote the page with an older version and lost those logos. So if you notice yours missing and you would like for it to be up on the site, please send it to me and I will put it back up.

Merry Christmas!
Etc. - blujay
Hi everyone, I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and explain the lack of posts lately. As I'm sure many of you have been also, I've been kinda busy with the Christmas Rush. We'll get back into the swing of things. Thanks for your patience.

Merry Christmas!  (c;
Thursday, December 23, 1999
New JK Multiplayer Level: Y2K Hunting Grounds - Slug
File: Y2K Hunting Grounds
Author: EVD_Jadex
Screenshots: No Screenshots
Description: A large level that ahs catwalks and ramps leading up onto ledges were guns are located and any enemies bellow can become easy targets then tiefighters flying from above do make a hazard when trying to snipe so let the Y2K frag fest begin!!!
New JK MOD: Kaboom Beta - Slug
File: Kaboom Beta
Author: [SRA] Ragnarök
Screenshots: No Screenshots
Description: Beta Version of Kaboom (name may change). It includes
  • New gun cog's (all by me) (no new Thermal Detonator and Rail Detonator in Beta).
  • Gunblade by Benny Tsai.
New things are expected for full version. I am plannen to find some good grabbling hook cog. And other stuff. Stay alert.
New JK Multiplayer Level: Canyon Lagunarok - Slug
File: Canyon Lagunarok
Author: [SRA] Ragnarök
Screenshots: No Screenshots
Description: A modification of Canyon Oasis, originally ment to be part of 'Rökked: Episode 2 but is now been released separetly because it would appear that I'll never make 'Rökked: Episode 2. Designed for Concussion Cannon action, and espesially to be used with Kaboom.
New JK Multiplayer Level: Downtown Goddard - Slug
File: Downtown Goddard
Author: Elyas Machera
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small level - COOPERATIVE - in downtown Goddard, during which an air raid has struck, and your sector has been sealed off from the rest of the city. Specimens have escaped from the local science facility, and the local aliens have declared martial law. Trouble's a-stirring.
New JK Multiplayer Level: Fallen Arena - Slug
File: Fallen Arena
Author: SJD_Rydeman
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Merry Christmas Daniel! This level is a christmas present to my good friend SJD_KyleKatarn. However, anyone else can play it too, it's a small deatmatch level with a conc, a rail and some mines included at startup. I'll let the screenshots describe it =)
New JK Multiplayer Level: SlaughterFalls - Slug
File: SlaughterFalls
Author: JLaw
Screenshots: No Screenshots
Description: SlaughterFalls is a fairly large multiplayer level, though it is condensed in area. There are numerous traps and a few secrets to discover. There are concussion rifles to be found... Ultimately it can either be stategic or just pure kick ass play.
New JK Multiplayer Level: RUSH-DeathMatch - Slug
File: RUSH-DeathMatch
Author: DotF_Lightside
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Whew..... been a while since my last submition.....I slapped this sucker together in about an hour in a half...was PRETTY hard work too...some surfaces were not PLEASE download this for my hard work. This level is PURE, HARDCORE, fast-paced deathmatch action!!!! Plenty of items and everything for you....I suggest you download it...I promise you (unless you hate quake 2-esque levels), you WON'T be disapointed....there is some pretty cool stuff in here. Download it and try it for yourself.... :). Hope the screenshots help....but usually they don' just have to download it for some fun.
New JK Multiplayer Level: UDM - Guns Mega Energy - Slug
File: UDM - Guns Mega Energy
Author: Torben Hansen
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: There are two main areas: the outside, which is loaded with energy and power ups: and the inside; where saber fights and swining lessons happen, plus all the advanced weapons are here. This level has every weapon in JK, and can nicely fit 3-6 people. This level is quite large, so 1 on 1 is not reconmended. This level will keep you on your toes.
Feature Update & Review @ TACC - Ryan
The Admiral's Command Chamber has posted an updated level feature for "Burning Pride" and a review of "Prelude to Harkov's Defection." In addition, spaces are open for new DF, JK, or MotS single player level features, so if you're working on a project be sure to visit the site for more information about getting your level featured. Reviews of "A Jedi's Quest", "Discovery at Ironfort" and the DFA Demo are in progress, so be sure to visit frequently.
Screenshot of the Day - blujay
The new SOTD is finally up. Sorry it took me so long.  (c;
Wednesday, December 22, 1999
Today's SOTD - blujay
Hi all, it's about 9 PM PT right now. Sorry I couldn't update the SOTD today. I didn't have a chance to get online in time. I will put up tomorrow's (Thursday's) in a few hours.
Tuesday, December 21, 1999
Starcraft to Star Wars TC Releases Beta 3 - blujay
Got word from PM that the Starcraft to Star Wars TC has released their beta 3.
Massassi FF Sabers Tournament Results - blujay
Got this from RobX:
After a long (and I mean long) and hard fought battle between Sinful Past and the GBTC's own Destructor only one soul emerged victorious, and that valiant soul was none other than Sinful Past! On behalf of Ally_Posse I would like to congratulate Sinful Past on his victory. The entire rundown of the tourney and comments from Destructor and Sinful Past can be seen at this thread. Don't forget that the FF guns tourney is on December 21st at 8:00 PM EST.
FAQ Update - blujay
Oh, by the way, I made a few small updates to the FAQ yesterday. Updated TACC's URL and added a walkplayer question.
Today's Screenshot of the Day - blujay
Let me tell you, I had a very hard time choosing the SOTD today. There were many worthy candidates. I ended up choosing the Army TC because of all the things it will add to the game. Some very honorable mentions are Omega's latest posts to his thread, and Annihlator's Glock, and there are more great shots in other threads on the Showcase forum. Keep up the great work guys!
Etc. + Top Games of the Millennium - Brian
It's been a bit slow around here the past couple of days, and a long time since I've done an "Etc" post. One of my friends from up in Seattle was in CA with his folks, so we went to Magic Mountain (6 Flags) on Saturday. Then Sunday I went down to L.A. to a computer fair to pick up some parts for my brother.

I am going to take a trip up to Washington over the holidays, so things may slow down a bit here. I will be bringing my laptop, so hopefully I will be able to find some time to update. Hopefully the rest of the staff can pitch in while I'm gone. I will be headed out on the 22nd (wow, that's tomorrow!), and will be returning on the 3rd of January. I probably won't be able to get back into the swing of things until about the 5th, though.

And now... The top 10 games of the last millennium, according to Brian. Note: I know I'm going to get some flame email telling me that the millennium doesn't end until the end of 2000 - all fine and dandy, but then I won't fit in, so I'm going to be a sheep and post it now!
10. Legend of Zelda (NES)
9. Zelda 3 (SNES)
8. Super Metroid (SNES)
7. Final Fantasy 2 (SNES)
6. Doom (PC)
5. Quake 3: Arena (PC)
4. Dark Forces (PC)
3. Midtown Madness (PC)
2. Master of Magic (PC)
1. Jedi Knight (PC) (was there any doubt?)
Comments? Flames? Your List? Post it on the forums in this thread.
Monolithic Illusion's Unreal Tournament Review - blujay
Got word from UkeNuke that Monolithic Illusions has just put up a review of Unreal Tournament.
Monday, December 20, 1999
Another Christmas Logo - blujay
Even though the contest is over, in the Spirit of Christmas, we have added another logo to the contest.  (c;
First Massassi Tournament - blujay
I got word from Posse that the first Massassi tournament is over. SJD_Rydeman emerged victorious in the NF sabers tournament. We should receive word soon about the results of the NF guns tournament.
JL Classifieds - Slug
Got this email from the guy who speaks over at Jedi Legacy, Speak..
Jedi Legacy, is proud to announce its latest feature for Star Wars Gaming editors and players, the Jedi Legacy Classifieds.

Jedi Legacy Classifieds will allow editors of Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith, X-Wing Alliance/X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Dark Forces, and Rebellion to advertise if they are in need of assistance in such areas as 3d object modeling, texturing, level/mission design, animation, and other areas related to editing the various Star Wars games. In addition, there are areas for clans to recruit, webmasters to search for help for their websites, and a place where editors can advertise themselves if they are looking for a new project to work on.