After a long (and I mean long) and hard fought battle between Sinful Past and the GBTC's own Destructor only one soul emerged victorious, and that valiant soul was none other than Sinful Past! On behalf of Ally_Posse I would like to congratulate Sinful Past on his victory. The entire rundown of the tourney and comments from Destructor and Sinful Past can be seen at this thread. Don't forget that the FF guns tourney is on December 21st at 8:00 PM EST.
10. Legend of Zelda (NES)Comments? Flames? Your List? Post it on the forums in this thread.
9. Zelda 3 (SNES)
8. Super Metroid (SNES)
7. Final Fantasy 2 (SNES)
6. Doom (PC)
5. Quake 3: Arena (PC)
4. Dark Forces (PC)
3. Midtown Madness (PC)
2. Master of Magic (PC)
1. Jedi Knight (PC) (was there any doubt?)
Jedi Legacy, is proud to announce its latest feature for Star Wars Gaming editors and players, the Jedi Legacy Classifieds.
Jedi Legacy Classifieds will allow editors of Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith, X-Wing Alliance/X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Dark Forces, and Rebellion to advertise if they are in need of assistance in such areas as 3d object modeling, texturing, level/mission design, animation, and other areas related to editing the various Star Wars games. In addition, there are areas for clans to recruit, webmasters to search for help for their websites, and a place where editors can advertise themselves if they are looking for a new project to work on.