Alright, now that the "bad guys" have landed, you are forced to deal with some pretty evil enemies. You note that you can't take out these guys (Flesh Binders) w/out finding a better weapon, so that should be your first priority.
Make your way across the courtyard you start it (run so you don't get blasted). Climb up the shed to the right there, and jump across to the building. You can climb the lattice to get some water. After that, go back down and go into the door. I'll throw some screenshots in to make it more interesting.
Inside, you will be face to face with one of the most evil beings ever created. A propaganda machine. He will spawn a flurry of Happy Masks (hey, I don't come up with these things, it's in the manual!), so take them out. If you don't attack it, it won't spawn any more... Next, go out the door.
You will be across the road from where you originally penned the rabbit-things. Be careful, because now there are two of the uber-powerful Flesh Binders. When he's not looking, run across the road and climb the rope. Up there you will get a new left arm claw armor dealie. I was able to kill the big bad evil Flesh Binders at this point. The manual says that each new piece you get allows a new combo attack, so be sure to use it!
However, there's really no reason to kill the guys at this point... All you have to do is stay up where you got the new weapon, go in the door, and dispatch some more little Happy Masks. From there, use the bar to pull yourself across the street (above another Flesh Binder). Once across, drag the crate close to the wall so you can jump up.
Then all you have to do is nudge the crate that's overhanging the skylight, and it will fall, opening the way forward.
Once you drop down and go out the door, you will be back towards the market. Remember when you moved the block so the guy could turn off the steam? Well now that there's a Flesh Binder standing there, it may be a good idea to turn the steam back on. Just a suggestion. You will also be forced to dispatch some more Happy Masks.
Next, climb up the scaffolding next to the building across from the valve control. Cross the top of the building and quietly look down. Two more baddies waiting to bind your flesh. Lucky for you there are some building materials that can be levered to fall on top of them. Either do it that way, or you'll have to fight them hand-to-hand.
Next, make your way around the corner. Hmm, getting stormy? Watch out behind you! You can use the hanging fan to dispatch the last Flesh Binder in this area. After that, meet Mr. Propaganda again. Of course you will have to take on some more Happy Masks. After that, go into Otto's place.
All content © Copyright 2000 The Massassi Temple.